It is Permissible for a Man to Kiss His Daughter |
Question: Is it permissible for a man to kiss his daughter, once she has grown up and reached the age of maturity - whether she is married or unmarried - and whether the kiss is on her cheek or on her mouth or elsewhere? And if she kisses him in these places, what is the ruling? |
Answer: There is no sin in a man kissing his small or adult daughter without desire, on condition that it is on the cheek if it is an adult. This is according to the confirmed narration on the authority of Abu Bakr As-Siddiq, may Allaah be pleased with him, in which it is stated that he kissed daughter, Aishah, may Allaah be pleased with her, on the cheek. Kissing on the mouth could lead to the arousal of sexual desire, so it is better and more prudent to avoid it. Similarly, the daughter may kiss her father on his nose or on his head without desire. As for with desire, that is forbidden by all, without any dispute, due to the element of temptation and trial (Fitnah) it would include, and in order to prevent what may lead to evil deeds (unlawful sexual acts). |
Shaykh `Abdul-`Azeez Bin Baz |
Fatawa Islamiyah Vol. 5 Page 119 |
Saturday, June 14, 2014
It is Permissible for a Man to Kiss His Daughter
Teaching children about Sexaul dangers!!!
Bismillah assalamualikum warahma tullahiwabaraka tuhu
Guidelines for Raising Children
The silver tint of the clouds of doubt;
And you never can tell how close you are,
It may be near when it seems afar;
So stick to the fight when you're hardest hit;
Perhaps some parents seeing this email would be SHOCKED so are some other ones! But i hope you understand i do not write this in VAIN.
it is a very very very important topic that you must be aware of AND make your KIDS aware of as well. Doesn't matter if you live in NY or in the villages of Bangladesh or Yemen.
I got an email from a sister who shared such a concern about that i thought i should share (without shame as there is no shame when it comes to learning) so people can learn something to protect themselves and their kids from fornicationsand musturbations. Below is a book that you can buy to read about this as to the regulations of teaching kids about this and warning them of its danger.
MANY MANY parents SHY away for no reasons to teach their kids about the physical and mental changes that the kids go through as they grow up, changes as development of private parts, pubic hair, menses, love, sex etc! And the END result is, the kids end up learning about each of the things from others or on their own from books, TV, non-Muslims, fornications books etc. When they learn, they have no idea about the danger, they just learn the part of FULFILLING SELF DESIRE!So they end up playing husband and wife amongst girls and girls or boys and boys or boys and girls or masturbating on their own!!!!!
Many girls do not know the changes that their body are going through, they pass through mental shocks as they become aware and tends to do whatever! Finds out in hardway what to do, all always shy to discuss anything with MOM or sisters or any family members about anything BECAUSE they never shared anything with her to begin with!!!! The girl silent go through whatever she is going through!
Countless Muslim kids are in the PUBLIC schools of USA or Mixed schools around the globe! If they are in the USA, YAAA 'Ahebbaeeee! they learn about love and lust from the PRE-K you dumb founded MUSLIM PARENTS!!!!! KNOCK your HEAD off if you haven't realized it! I am working in public schools now and in these end days of school year, DID YOU KNOW, the teachers make pair of a boy and a girl couple to do graduate DANCE CEREMONY with MUSIC!!!! OH! they practice the dance with the teacher everyday until they master to dance hand in hand shoulder to shoulder like couple watching the adults doing, then you have all the movies from SNOW WHITE To Cinderalla etc, man!!! all these are watched in the classrooms!!!!!!
AS for other than USA, People, kids play it all out as husband and wife, from TV shows, from what they see around them and hear, from the jokes that olders make about them being married to this or that, kisses, hugs etc!!! 10 years ago they did not have luxury of watching DISH channel in villages of Bangladesh, but NOW THEY Do, all hindi movies, all love and lust stories, all there!!!!
Because kids are growing up and their hormones are gushing forth with desire and more, they do whatever they desireUNLESS YOU warn them of the danger and punishment and sins about those affairs!
yaa 'Ahebbaeeee!!! KIDS won't come and talk to you on this BECAUSE DAAAA! YOU NEVER talked to them on this!!!!!
But it is much normal in the US!
One day in the train, i saw a deshi kid being forced to kiss a girl by 2 or 3 of his non-muslim classmates! they girl wanted to date him but he didn't seem willing, they kept pushing him on the girl and forcing him to seat next to her etc!!!! ilahi!!! what a torture to go through of such fitnah when you do not have knowledge nor have family members to help you through such situations!
I saw pre-k kids trying to kiss and hug each other when they liked them, i saw it in kindergarden, and i saw it everywhere level of US schools! it is in public! oh! in bangladesh it happens no less! But it is more subdue but it is there!
There are good parents and family members out there that teach their children about these topics as they grow up from the age of 6 or 7 such that they do not fall into these evil things. I remember visiting a family, and i saw her teaching about menses and other things to her kids when they were as young as 7 or 8 or earlier! *i forgot the time period*, i saw her having pamphlets and other materials in the house! Some schools give these out as well to make parents aware about these so they can help their kids! I saw that family teaching their boy not to touch or kiss etc or be kissed etc! Such that one someone older was trying to do to him, he refused saying, i am growing up and my mom said this should not be done to me!
May Allah guide those ignorant family members who have caused great harms to their children due to their worthless shyness!
YAAA people who got my email, teach your kids and save them from a GREAT HARM and from GREAT SINS!
watch out the books they read, teach them about those things! The books have everything in them in details - ta da!!!!!
Guidelines for Raising Children

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The silver tint of the clouds of doubt;
And you never can tell how close you are,
It may be near when it seems afar;
So stick to the fight when you're hardest hit;
It's when things seem worst that you mustn't quit.
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