The Monthly Cycle that Consists of more Days than Usual

Answer: If the woman’s monthly cycle is usually six or seven days then it is prolonged to eight, nine, ten, or eleven days then she continues not to pray until she is purified (from her menses). That is because the Prophet (may the peace & blessings of Allah be upon him) did not define menstruation with a certain time frame. Allah the Most High says:
{And they ask you about the menses, say: It is harmful.}
So when this presence of blood remains the woman stays in this condition until she is purified and she bathes then she prays. If it is less days the following month then she bathes when purified even if it is not like her previous menses. The important thing is that when the woman is menstruating then she does not pray whether the menses corresponds to the amount of days as her last cycle or if it is more or less…then when she is purified she prays.
Shaykh Muhammad bin Saalih al-‘Uthaymeen (rahimahullah)
Translated by: Aboo ‘Imraan al-Mekseekee –may Allah guide him
Source: Risaalah fee ad-Dimaa’a at-Tab’eeyah lil-Nisaa’a page 66-67
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