طريقة حفظ القرآن | for everyone |
طريقة حفظ القرآن | by Nissho for everyone |
طريقة حفظ القرآن
أرشدوني إلى الطريقة التي تعينني على حفظ كتاب الله.
نوصيك بالعناية بالحفظ والإقبال على ذلك واختيار الأوقات المناسبة للحفظ كآخر الليل أو بعد صلاة الفجر أو في أثناء الليل أو في بقية الأوقات التي تكون فيها مرتاح النفس حتى تستطيع الحفظ، ونوصيك باختيار الزميل الطيب الذي يساعدك ويعينك على الحفظ والمذاكرة، مع سؤال الله التوفيق والإعانة والتضرع إليه أن يعينك، وأن يوفقك، وأن يعيذك من أسباب التعويق ومن استعان بالله صادقا أعانه الله ويسر أمره.
مجموع فتاوى و مقالات متنوعة الجزء السادس
Making a banquet on the occasion of memorising the entire Holy Qur'an | for everyone |
In the Name of Allah, the Most Beneficent, the Most Merciful | |
King Fahd Complex For The Printing Of The Holy Qur'an www.qurancomplex.org | |
Fatwa Subject : | Making a banquet on the occasion of memorising the entire Holy Qur'an |
Fatwa Number : | 134 |
Publishing Date : | Sunday 4 Muharram 1426 AH, corresponding 13 February 2005 AD. |
Fatwas Source : | From the Fatwas Issued by the Permanent Committee for Scholarly Research and Ifta', Saudi Arabia |
Fatwa Reference : | The Fatwas delivered by the Permanent Committee, the fourth question of Fatwa No. 4029 |
Question: | |
Is it permissible to make a banquet on the occasion of memorising the entire Holy Qur'an?
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Answer : | |
It is permissible to make a banquet when one consummates his marriage as the Prophet (peace be upon him) said to 'Abdur-Rahman bin 'Auf when he consummated his marriage:
How to observe memorization of the Holy Qur'an? | for everyone |
In the Name of Allah, the Most Beneficent, the Most Merciful | |
King Fahd Complex For The Printing Of The Holy Qur'an www.qurancomplex.org | |
Fatwa Subject : | How to observe memorization of the Holy Qur'an? |
Fatwa Number : | 75 |
Publishing Date : | Sunday 4 Muharram 1426 AH, corresponding 13 February 2005 AD. |
Fatwas Source : | From the Fatwas Issued by the Permanent Committee for Scholarly Research and Ifta', Saudi Arabia |
Fatwa Reference : | (Question No. 3, Fatwa No. 7349, Volume IV, Page 62) |
Question: | |
How can I observe memorization of the Holy Qur'an?
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Answer : | |
Praise be to Allah Alone, and prayers and peace be upon the last Messenger Muhammad.
There are many methods that can help you observe your memorization of the Holy Qur'an, such as repeating it, reciting it too much, sticking to truthfulness and sincerity, having the will to memorize and understand it and supplicating Allah (Glory be to Him) and asking Him for His blessing, along with avoiding sins and repenting to Allah (Glory be to Him). May Allah grant us prosperity. Peace and prayers be upon our Prophet Muhammad, his family and companions. |
The Permanent Committee for Scholarly Research and Delivering Fatwas (Member) 'Abdul-'Aziz bin Qa'ud (Member) 'Abdul-'Aziz bin Ghudayan (Vice-President of the Committee) 'Abdur-Razzaq 'Afifi (President) 'Abdul-'Aziz bin Baz |
PDF: How to Memorize the Quran | for everyone |
Methods of Memorizing the Qur'an | for everyone |
Memorizing the Quran | for everyone |
Memorizing the Quran
From Abdur-Rahman Abdul Khaaliq's "Al-Qawaaid adh-Dhahabiyyah lil-Hifdh il-Quran il-Adheem"
My Brother and Sister Muslim - there is no doubt that you know of excellence of memorising the Quran and the excellence of teaching it. The Messenger of Allaah (sas) said: "The best amongst you is the one who learns the Qur'aan and teaches it."
Presented to you are some rules which will assist in memorising the Qur'aan, may Allaah benefit us by them.
The First Rule: Ikhlaas - (Sincerity)
The purification of ones intention and correcting ones desire is obligatory. It is likewise for making ones concern with and memorisation of the Quran for the s ake of Allaah, the Sublime and Exalted, and for gaining success with His Paradis e and obtaining His pleasure.
Also for obtaining those mighty rewards which are reserved for those who recited the Quran and memorised it. Allaah the Exalted said:
So worship Allaah, making the Deen sincerely for Him. Is it not to Allaah that s incere worship is due? [Zumar 39:2-3]
He also said:
Say: I have been commanded that I worship Allaah making the Deen sincerely for H im. [Zumar 39:11]
And the Messenger of Allaah (sas) said: "Allaah the Exalted said: I am so self-s ufficient that I am in no need of having an associate. Thus, he who does an acti on for someone elses sake as well as Mine will have that action renounced by Me to him whom he associated with Me." [Bukhaaree and Muslim]
Therefore, there is no reward for the one who recited the Quran and memorised it to show off and to be heard of. There is also no doubt that the one who recited the Quran desiring by it the world and seeking some sort of worldy reward for i t is sinful.
The Second Rule: Correction of ones Pronunciation and Recitation
The first step in memorising the Quran after that of Ikhlaas is the obligation o f correcting the pronunciation of the Quran. This does not occur except by liste ning to a good reciter or a precise memoriser of the Quran. The Quran is not lea rned except by acquiring it (from another). Thus, the Messenger (sas) who is the most eloquent of the arabs in speech, took it from Jibreel (as) orally. The Mes senger (sas) himself used to recited the Quran to Jibreel once in every year and in the year that he died he recited it to him twice. [Reported by Bukhaaree]
Likewise, the Messenger taught it to the Companions (ra) orally and those who ca me after them heard it from the Companions and so on for each generation after t hem.
Taking the Quran from a good reciter is obligatory. Likewise, correcting ones re citation firstly and not depending on oneself in its recitation even if one is k nowledgeable of the Arabic language and of its principles, is also obligatory. T his is because in the Quran there are many verses which occur in a way that is o pposed to what is well known in the rules of the Arabic language.
The Third Rule: Specifying a Daily Limit for Memorisation
It is necessary for the one desiring to memorise the Quran that he sets himself a daily limit for memorising. a number of verses for example, perhaps a page or two pages or even an eighth of a juz (one thirtieth of the Quran). So he begins, after he has corrected his recitation and set his daily limit, to learn by freq uent repetition. It is also necessary that this repetition is done melodiously a nd this is so that a person follows the Sunnah firstly and that it the memorisat ion is made firm and strong secondly. Melodious recitation is pleasing to ones h earing and also assists in memorisation. Furthermore, the tongue will always ret urn to a specific tone (of voice) and as a result of this it will become familia r with any mistake whenever the balance in ones recitation and familiar tone bec omes disordered or imbalanced. The reciter will know therefore, that his tongue will not comply with him when he makes a mistake and that if the tone is wrong o r out of tune, his memorisation will return to him.
All of this is because reciting the Quran and beautifying it with ones voice is a matter which has been commanded. It is not permissible to oppose this command due to the saying of the Messenger (sas): "Whoever does not beautify the Quran ( recite it melodiously) he is not of us." [Bukhaaree]
The Fourth Rule: Not Surpassing One's Daily Limit until You Have Perfected its Memorisation.
It is not permissible for the memoriser to move to a new portion of the Quran un til after he has perfected the memorisation of his previous limit. This is so th at whatever he has memorised is firmly established in his mind. There is no doub t that amongst those things which aid the memoriser is his occupation with what he has memorised through the hours of the day and night. This occurs by reciting it in the silent prayers, and if he is the imaam then in the loud prayers. Also in the superogatory prayers (nawaafil) and in the times when one is waiting for the obligatory prayers. By this method the memorisation will become a lot easie r. In this way it is possible for a person to practise it even if he is occupied with other matters and this is because he does not simply sit at a specific tim e for memorising the Quran. Thus the night will not arrive except with those ver ses memorised and firmly established in the mind. And if there is something whic h has occuppied the memoriser during this day, he should not move onto his next portion of the Quran, rather he should continue on the second day with what he h ad started with the day before until the memorisation becomes perfected.
The Fifth Rule: Memorise Using the Same Copy (Mushaf) of the Quran
Among the things which aid the memorisation is that the memoriser should keep fo r himself a specific mushaf (copy of the Quran) which he should never change. Th is is because a person memorises using the sight just as he memorises using the hearing. The script and form of the verses and their places in the mushaf leave an imprint in the mind when they are recited and looked at frequently. If the me moriser was to change his mushaf from which he memorises or if he was to memoris e from a number of different copies the places of the verses would be in differe nt places and also the script may also be different. This makes the memorisation difficult for him. Therefore it is obligatory for the one memorisng the Quran t hat he does so from a single script and mushaf and he should never replace it.
The Sixth Rule: Understanding is the Way to Memorising
Among the things which greatly aid the process of memorisation is understanding the verses that one has memorised and knowing their relationship and link, one t o another. This is why it is necessary for the memoriser to read the tafseer (ex planation) of those verses which he desires to memorise and that he knows their connection, one with another. Also, that he brings this to mind when he is recit ing. This makes it easier for him to memorise the verses. Having said this, it i s also necessary that he does not depend on knowing the meaning of the verses al one in memorising them. Rather the repetition of these verses should be the foun dation. This should be done until the tongue can recite the verses even if the m ind is occupied with other than the meaning of these verses. This is sign that t he verses are firmly established in the mind. As for the one who relies upon the meaning alone then he will forget often and his recitation will be disjointed d ue to his mind being scattered and occupied with other things. This occurs frequ ently, especially when the recitation is long.
The Seventh Rule: Do not move on from a Complete Surah until you have connected the first part of it to the last
After one surah from among the surahs of the Quran has been completed it is desi rable for the memoriser that he does not move onto another surah except after ha ving perfected its memorisation and connecting its first part to its last so tha t his tongue can flow in reciting it, from its beginning to its end. He should b e able to recite it without having to think or go through trouble in remembering the verses. Rather it is a must that the memorisation (and recitation) of these verses is like (flowing) water and that the memoriser recites these verses with out hesitation, even if his mind is occupied with more than one thing, away from m the meaning of these verses. It should be as a person recites Surah Faatihah w ithout any difficulty or having to think about it. This occurs by repeating thes e verses frequently and reciting them often. However the memorisation of every s urah of the Quran will not be like that of Surah Faatihah except rarely but the intent and desire should be to try to make it as such. Therefore, it is necessar y that when a surah is completed it is firmly established in the mind, with its beginning connected to its end and that the memoriser does not move onto another surah until he has memorised it with precision.
The Eighth Rule: Reciting to Others
It is necessary for the memoriser not to depend on himself for his memorisation. Rather he should test his memorisation by reciting the verses or surah in quest ion to somebody else, or he should recite them by following the mushaf. And how excellent this would be if a person had with him a precise memoriser (who would test his memorisation). This is so that the memoriser becomes aware of the possi bility of his being forgetful or confused in his recitation (without knowing it) . Many individuals amongst us who memorise a surah make mistakes and a person ma y not realise that until he looks into the mushaf. Furhtermore, the one who des ires to memorise may not realise by himself at which place he makes an error in his recitation despite the fact that he may be reciting from a mushaf. For this reason making others listen to his recitation of what he has memorised from the Quran is a means of perceiving and knowing these errors and being constantly awa re of them.
Methods of Memorization | for everyone |
How To Memorize the Holy Quran
Methods of Memorization
The author calls attention to the fact that the Holy Qur'an is divided into several divisions which are:
1) the juz or part
2) divisions of the juz into smaller sections like the hizb
3) and the division of the ahzab into fourths.
The author advises the memorization of Qur'an along these divisions. To begin with memorize the smallest section and that is 1/4 of a hizb, then 2 fourths of a hizb (half a hizb), then 3/4 hizb, until a complete hizb is memorized. The entire Qur'an can be memorized in this manner, by the help of Allah.
As for the last juz, JUZ 'AMMA , he says that one fourth contains more than a surah, so in this case it is best to memorize one surah and then another, with the exception of the shorter surahs at the end of the juz , then he suggests memorizing two or three surahs at a time, depending on the person's ability so as not to lose a whole day memorizing a very small surah.
Before actual memorization, it is necessary to choose a proper time, place and mental attitude:-
1. The Preferred Times For Memorization of Quran:
There are many preferable times for memorization: the time of sahr (before salat Al Fajr by a period of time equal to the last fourth of the night) and this is a good and blessed time; and there is the time after Salat Al Fajr until the time of Duha; and there is the time that is between salat Al Dhur and Asr, if you do not want to sleep during this time; and there is the time that is before salat Al Maghrib by an hour and a half, approx.; and there is the time between Maghrib and Isha prayers; and an unlimited time possible to choose from is the time that you see yourself inclined to memorization of the Holy Qur'an and revision of it. In other words, analyze your typical day. If you see that there are certain regular periods where you are more peaceful than other times, or there is less demands upon you at a certain particular time, then choose this time for Qur'an. These are the most beneficial times as some of them are periods of peacefulness and contentment of the heart and restfulness, and some of these time periods are not usually considered busy periods of the day for work or activity.
2. The Preferred Places For Memorization of the Quran:
There is no doubt that the best place for memorization of Qur'an and other acts of worship are the houses of Allah (masjids) and after that places that are clean and far from filth (najaasaat--impurities that break the wudu and are unlawful to make salat in the midst of) and far from work (business) and disturbing sounds--that is, to sit in a clean and peaceful room that doesn't have distractions in it or areas that attract your attention or noises that disturb concentration, or any machines going (especially the T.V.). And if you cannot find such a room, then go to any other place on the condition that it is clean and as previously mentioned above.
3. The Best Mental Attitude (condition) For Memorization of Quran:
Your mental condition must be settled and calm. [Translator's comment: I don't know why I did not finish translating this section. Basically, your mind should be clear and at ease, not caught up in sorting out problems or thinking of what else you have to do. You should be ready to concentrate even if it is for only 15 minutes.]
Methods of Review
[Translator's comment: This was basically the same as methods of memorization from the very beginning. Take it section by section and if you have memorized a large portion of Qur'an or the entire Qur'an, you should review everything at LEAST once a month.
General Advice
This section is a gift from me to you -- advice related to the method of memorization of Qur'an and revision and what that entails.
1- Be free from the 2 hadaths (ceremonial impurities), major and minor when you memorize and revise Qur'an because of the greatness of what you are reading and reciting -- Allah's words -- and make a realization of what Allah said :
Hajj: 32 which translates: "And whosoever honors the Symbols of Allah, then it is truly from the piety of the heart."
2- Try to chose the most appropriate time and proper place to memorize and to revise.
3- Before memorization and revision you must seek refuge in Allah from the Shaitan by saying "A'oudhu billahi AlSamieul Aleem min Ash-Shaitan Ar-Rajeem".
4- Try to feel or sense the greatness of the words of Allah, and their meaning when memorizing and revising because this will cause good memorization.
5- It is good when reading a quarter or memorizing or revising it in a room or other place to read with a moderate voice, not with high volume or extremely low volume, because reading aloud increases the strength of your memorization; except if you are in a masjid, for example -- under that circumstance you must read in a subdued voice (where you can hear yourself) so as not to disturb others involved in worship or in his salat or reading Qur'an.
6- Try to improve your sound with Qur'an, carrying out the words of the Messenger of Allah, peace be upon him [reported by Muslim] "Embellish the Qur'an by your voices".
7- If you can memorize by yourself do so, and if not, agree with one of your companions (brother or sister in Islam) to memorize a particular juz so as to increase your activity.
9- Try not to leave a quarter that you have memorized -- read it in salat as you memorize, and when revising.
10- If you complete the memorization of a new quarter or new surah, do not move on to another one until it is perfectly memorized.
As Salaamu Alaikum wa Rahmatullahi wa Barakaatuh
I was blessed with the opportunity to study Qur'an at the first Tahfith Qur'an center for women in Jeddah the year my son, Muhammed was born, 1980. The center is thriving. The Qur'an center moved at a very swift pace and I had to scramble for ways to memorize the beautiful words and still function as wife, mother, cook, tutor, housekeeper, etc. I was also face with the same problem, only on a larger scale, as a student at Umm Al Qura University, because I not only had Qur'an, but other subjects as well. One day someone gave us a stack of little booklets and, sorting through them, one in particular caught my eye. It was called "How to Memorize the Holy Qur'an. I have since translated it and sent it to various friends from time to time. It's a precious little thing and the thing that is so outstanding is that the author chose to remain anonymous and asked only for blessings if the reader found any benefit in it. I hope that you will benefit from it and will make dua for this humble servant, copy it, spread the blessings for spreading knowledge and increase the rewards for this. This will appear in about 6 sections as I have added my own comments at the end and hope that they, too, will be useful to one who is attempting to memorize one short surah or a whole juz (part) or the entire Qur'an.
Omm Rafiq - Makkah
Methods of Memorization
The author calls attention to the fact that the Holy Qur'an is divided into several divisions which are:
1) the juz or part
2) divisions of the juz into smaller sections like the hizb
3) and the division of the ahzab into fourths.
The author advises the memorization of Qur'an along these divisions. To begin with memorize the smallest section and that is 1/4 of a hizb, then 2 fourths of a hizb (half a hizb), then 3/4 hizb, until a complete hizb is memorized. The entire Qur'an can be memorized in this manner, by the help of Allah.
As for the last juz, JUZ 'AMMA , he says that one fourth contains more than a surah, so in this case it is best to memorize one surah and then another, with the exception of the shorter surahs at the end of the juz , then he suggests memorizing two or three surahs at a time, depending on the person's ability so as not to lose a whole day memorizing a very small surah.
Before actual memorization, it is necessary to choose a proper time, place and mental attitude:-
1. The Preferred Times For Memorization of Quran:
There are many preferable times for memorization: the time of sahr (before salat Al Fajr by a period of time equal to the last fourth of the night) and this is a good and blessed time; and there is the time after Salat Al Fajr until the time of Duha; and there is the time that is between salat Al Dhur and Asr, if you do not want to sleep during this time; and there is the time that is before salat Al Maghrib by an hour and a half, approx.; and there is the time between Maghrib and Isha prayers; and an unlimited time possible to choose from is the time that you see yourself inclined to memorization of the Holy Qur'an and revision of it. In other words, analyze your typical day. If you see that there are certain regular periods where you are more peaceful than other times, or there is less demands upon you at a certain particular time, then choose this time for Qur'an. These are the most beneficial times as some of them are periods of peacefulness and contentment of the heart and restfulness, and some of these time periods are not usually considered busy periods of the day for work or activity.
2. The Preferred Places For Memorization of the Quran:
There is no doubt that the best place for memorization of Qur'an and other acts of worship are the houses of Allah (masjids) and after that places that are clean and far from filth (najaasaat--impurities that break the wudu and are unlawful to make salat in the midst of) and far from work (business) and disturbing sounds--that is, to sit in a clean and peaceful room that doesn't have distractions in it or areas that attract your attention or noises that disturb concentration, or any machines going (especially the T.V.). And if you cannot find such a room, then go to any other place on the condition that it is clean and as previously mentioned above.
3. The Best Mental Attitude (condition) For Memorization of Quran:
Your mental condition must be settled and calm. [Translator's comment: I don't know why I did not finish translating this section. Basically, your mind should be clear and at ease, not caught up in sorting out problems or thinking of what else you have to do. You should be ready to concentrate even if it is for only 15 minutes.]
Methods of Review
[Translator's comment: This was basically the same as methods of memorization from the very beginning. Take it section by section and if you have memorized a large portion of Qur'an or the entire Qur'an, you should review everything at LEAST once a month.
General Advice
This section is a gift from me to you -- advice related to the method of memorization of Qur'an and revision and what that entails.
1- Be free from the 2 hadaths (ceremonial impurities), major and minor when you memorize and revise Qur'an because of the greatness of what you are reading and reciting -- Allah's words -- and make a realization of what Allah said :
Hajj: 32 which translates: "And whosoever honors the Symbols of Allah, then it is truly from the piety of the heart."
2- Try to chose the most appropriate time and proper place to memorize and to revise.
3- Before memorization and revision you must seek refuge in Allah from the Shaitan by saying "A'oudhu billahi AlSamieul Aleem min Ash-Shaitan Ar-Rajeem".
4- Try to feel or sense the greatness of the words of Allah, and their meaning when memorizing and revising because this will cause good memorization.
5- It is good when reading a quarter or memorizing or revising it in a room or other place to read with a moderate voice, not with high volume or extremely low volume, because reading aloud increases the strength of your memorization; except if you are in a masjid, for example -- under that circumstance you must read in a subdued voice (where you can hear yourself) so as not to disturb others involved in worship or in his salat or reading Qur'an.
6- Try to improve your sound with Qur'an, carrying out the words of the Messenger of Allah, peace be upon him [reported by Muslim] "Embellish the Qur'an by your voices".
7- If you can memorize by yourself do so, and if not, agree with one of your companions (brother or sister in Islam) to memorize a particular juz so as to increase your activity.
9- Try not to leave a quarter that you have memorized -- read it in salat as you memorize, and when revising.
10- If you complete the memorization of a new quarter or new surah, do not move on to another one until it is perfectly memorized.
As Salaamu Alaikum wa Rahmatullahi wa Barakaatuh
I was blessed with the opportunity to study Qur'an at the first Tahfith Qur'an center for women in Jeddah the year my son, Muhammed was born, 1980. The center is thriving. The Qur'an center moved at a very swift pace and I had to scramble for ways to memorize the beautiful words and still function as wife, mother, cook, tutor, housekeeper, etc. I was also face with the same problem, only on a larger scale, as a student at Umm Al Qura University, because I not only had Qur'an, but other subjects as well. One day someone gave us a stack of little booklets and, sorting through them, one in particular caught my eye. It was called "How to Memorize the Holy Qur'an. I have since translated it and sent it to various friends from time to time. It's a precious little thing and the thing that is so outstanding is that the author chose to remain anonymous and asked only for blessings if the reader found any benefit in it. I hope that you will benefit from it and will make dua for this humble servant, copy it, spread the blessings for spreading knowledge and increase the rewards for this. This will appear in about 6 sections as I have added my own comments at the end and hope that they, too, will be useful to one who is attempting to memorize one short surah or a whole juz (part) or the entire Qur'an.
Omm Rafiq - Makkah
How to Memorize the Qur'aan: | for everyone |
How to Memorize the Qur'aan:
A Practical Method
Choosing A Suitable Time
The student must choose a suitable time for memorization and the most ideal time is after Fajr, after having completed the morning adhkaar(words of remembrance). The student of the Qur'aan must strive and struggle to change his / her sleeping habits and to make the very best usage of their time, with discipline, scheduling and determination. The Prophet (s) informed us that Allaah has placed barakah (blessing) in the early part of the day. So, though one may sit for half an hour after Fajr or half an hour after Maghrib, he / she will accomplish more in the time after Fajr.
In order to remain awake after Fajr, one must then strive to sleep early and / or take a nap in the afternoon if possible. Staying up after Fajrmust become a lifestyle for the student of the Qur'aan, so that they can maintain their relationship with the Qur'aan throughout their entire lives, by Allaah's permission.
If, for some reason, the student cannot do it immediately after Fajr, then before Fajr is the next best time. However, he / she should not attempt memorization in the evening, as the fruits will not be fully reaped.[1]
Also, the student must ensure that nothing will interfere with the time set for memorization, whether phone calls, family members' needs, etc.
Choosing A Suitable Place
The student must choose a suitable place to memorize. Ideally, the place should have all, or most of the following qualities:
· It should be a room free of pictures (as much as is possible).
· It should be plain and simple.
· It should not be in a place which will encourage sleep, like in the bedroom or close to the bed.
Hence, memorization in "nature", contrary to what some may think, is actually not advisable, as the student will easily become distracted.
Observing The Etiquette Of Qur'aan
The student should make wudhoo' and maintain it (i.e. renew it upon breaking it) while they sit with the Qur'aan. It is also advisable to sit facing the qiblah, if possible. Though women are not required to wear head scarves, they should be dressed modestly.
Same Mushaf
The student should have one mus-haf, from which they memorize and review. The Arabic mus-haf (i.e. not the Pakistani prints) should be chosen, as it is more suitable for memorization, due to the fact that each page starts with the beginning of a verse and ends with the ends of a verse. The student should maintain their mus-haf and avoid switching mus-hafs.
However, it is also advisable for the student to keep a small mus-haf in his pocket or her purse as well as one in the car. This is because, if one has spare time, or gets stuck in a waiting room or in traffic, they can use that time to review. And such times are not always planned, as to allow the student to maintain their main mus-haf with them.
Students should also have a mus-haf stand and a pencil to mark mistakes. Its is also advisable that students have a notebook in which to record their daily progress, as provided by Hifzh schools. A sample record sheet is attached and may be photocopied and used.
Order Of Memorization
Students should memorize in order, even if they have previously memorized bits and pieces from here and there. They should start from the back (Juz 'Amma) or the front (Soorat al-Baqarah) and continue. Ideally, students should memorize 3 or 5 juz's from the back and then move to Soorat al-Baqarah, as it allows the student to start with something easy and build up from there. At the very least, students should first memorize Juz 'Amma before starting Soorat al-Baqarah.
Start With The "Warm Up"
Once the student sits with the Qur'aan to start memorization, the first thing he/she should do is the "warm-up". The student should read the ½ page or page that he / she intends to memorize, slowly and melodiously, paying close attention to applying Tajweed rules, proper makhaarij, etc. Depending on the student's time frame and level of motivation, the student may also listen to a tape of a good reciter reciting that page.
If the student does not understand Arabic, he / she should then read the meaning from the translated Qur'aan in English (or their language).
Once the student had read the page (and meaning if needed), he / she should begin the process of memorization.
Methods of Memorization
A) Memorize the verse. Read one verse 3-5 times. If the verse is long, divide it and read the first part of the verse. If the verse is very short, one can do 2 verses at once. Then close the mus-haf and attempt the verse (or part of the verse) without looking. If you are still unsure, look at it and carefully read it once more. Repeat it without looking 5 times. Then look at it one more time and read it, in order to make sure you memorized it correctly. Then close the mus-haf and recite it without looking one more time.
B) Connect the verses. Do the next verse in the same way. Then do verse 1 and 2 together without looking once. If you are successful, move on to verse 3. But if you forget something, look at that part which you forgot and read it once more, then repeat that verse without looking once. Then continue reciting, without starting over. Upon completing verse 2, you should repeat verses 1-2 once more. You must be able to say them together without any mistake or hesitation before moving on to the next verse.
Then do verse 3 the same way. Then do verses 1-3 ONCE without looking, etc. If you forget something in doing verses 1-3 together, do the same as was explained above. That is, read the verse you forgot, then say the verse without looking, then move on until you complete verse 3, not hesitating to look if you forget. Upon completing verse 3, repeat 1-3 again, until you can recite them once without any mistakes. And so on, until you finish your memorization assignment.
C) Repeat the page thrice. Upon completing the page or ½ a page, recite it altogether 3 times.
D) Five time throughout the day. It is not uncommon for students to forget what they memorized in the morning by the afternoon. In order that the student should not forget the morning's new assignment, he / she should repeat it 4-5 times that day. An easy and practical to do so is to review it immediately before or after their prayers throughout the day. By Maghrib or 'Ishaa, they can even pray with it confidently,inshaa' Allaah (Allaah willing).
Connecting The Pages
A common problem that students confront when reviewing is that of forgetting which page comes next. Hence, the student must connect the end of one page to the beginning of the next page. He / she can do so when they are memorizing the new page, by starting the memorization process from the last verse of the previous page. Then each time they memorize a verse, instead of going back and repeating from the beginning of the page, they should repeat from the last verse of the previous page. In other words, they "pretend", so to speak, that their new assignment starts from the last verse of the previous assignment. The only point to note is that they do not actually have to re-memorize that verse, but to recite it along with the others.
As will be described later, review must be done daily. However, memorization should always be done before review, as it takes more concentration and will need to be done when his / her mind is most fresh.
Suggested Method of Review
Student recites without looking. If he gets stuck, forgets, or is unsure, he should look in the mus-haf and read the portion he forgot. Then he should close it and repeat that verse (or portion of the verse) 3 times without looking. Then continue on, without starting over, doing the same each time he forgets, until he completes the page. If the page contained any mistakes, he should repeat the page again until he can do it without mistakes, before moving on to the next page.
If that page, or even that juz', is particularly weak, the student may read over the page once before doing what we just described.
System of Memorization
The students' assignment is divided into three categories, all of which are done daily, for 5 days a week.
1. New Memorization Assignment NMA - ﺣﻔﻆ ﺟﺪﻳﺪ
Using the method described above, the student memorizes the same amount daily, starting with ½ a page and gradually working towards 1 page a day. If the student is a complete beginner and has trouble with ½ a page using the previously described method of memorization he / she may start with a ¼ or 1/3 of a page and work their way up. Advanced students may eventually do 2-3 pages maximum daily, in order to allow more review time.
Approximate time required: ½ hr.
2. Recently Memorized Verses RMV - ﻣﺮﺍﺟﻌﺔ ﺍﻟﺟﺪﻳﺪ
If the student is memorizing less than 1 page a day, he / she reviews the last 5 pages he / she memorized, with the NMA included. If the student memorizes one page a day, he or she should review the last 10 pages he / she memorized, with the NMA included. However, if time constraints make this difficult, then 5 pages is the minimum. If advanced student memorize 2-3 pages a day, they must do 20 pages of RMV.
Approximate time required: ½ hr.
3. Review - ﻣﺮﺍﺟﻌﺔ ﻋﺎﻣﺔ
Student reviews 10 pages (½ a juz') a day for starters, and eventually 1 juz' a day (after memorizing 5 juz's), starting from the beginning of what they memorized until the point they reached in memorization. We often refer to this as one "round of revision". The goal is to finish one "round of revision" in no more than 2 weeks. So, once a person completes 15 juz's, they should advance to reviewing 2 juz's daily.
Approximate time: ½ hr – 1 hr (depending on strength and weaknesses of that particular juz')
Mistake System:
A mistake is when the student makes a mistake in the actual recitation or forgets what comes next. The teacher simply indicates to the student that they made a mistake. If the student corrects herself, if is considered "½ a mistake". If the student is unable to correct herself (in a relatively short amount of time), then it is considered a full mistake.
· Students are allowed NO mistakes or "½ mistakes" in their New Memorization. If the student does have any mistakes, he / she may not memorize anything new the next day, but must perfect that day's NMA.
· Students may not have more than a total of 1 mistake per every 5 pages of their RMV. Full and half mistakes are added up to come up with the final number of mistakes. If the student does have more than the permitted number of mistakes, she may not memorize anything new the next day, but must perfect the RMV instead.
· Students may not have more than 3 mistakes in total in their Review. If she does have more 3 mistakes, she must review that same juz' the next day, making sure to correct her mistakes.
· Mistakes are marked with a pencil by the teacher in the students mus-haf, with a distinction between a mistake and ½ a mistake. For example, in addition to underline (or "over-lining") the actual mistake, the teacher can write in the margin next to the line wherein the mistake occurred, and in the case of a ½ mistake. Then at the end the teacher can add up the total number of mistakes.
· Often times, mistakes become grounded in the student's mind and they continues to make the same mistakes each time. To avoid this, if a mistake (or ½ mistake) is marked in the mus-haf, and the next time around the student makes the same mistake, it is doubled (i.e. the ½ mistake is considered a full mistake and the full mistake counts as 2 mistakes). Teachers and students should focus in on the mistakes and be sure to get rid of them immediately, which is the very reason that they are being marked in their mus-haf.
1 - Sahih Muslim…
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