Monday, April 19, 2010

Look Whose Translation You Take From!!!

بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم
الحمد لله والصلاة والسلام على رسول الله وعلى آله وصحبه ومن والاه وبعد

Shaykh Ubayd al-Jaabiree hafidhahullah was asked the following two questions here.

[Q3]: What is our position towards those books (from ahlus-sunnah) which have been translated or authored by ahlul-bid'ah?
[Q4]: In regards to those books translated by the opponents of the Sunnah, we have brothers amongst us who graduated from Madeenah University and are able to check the translations, so how should we approach this?

To listen to the reply of the Shaykh (Arabic with English translation) please click the link provided above and listen from time 20:25.

Examples of horrendous mis-translations:
The above examples and many other cases show the importance of
    [1] Learning the Arabic language. [2] Before reading/listening to any translation checking about the translator. Please ponder on the following quotes from the Muqadimah of Saheeh Muslim: Imaam Muhammad bin Sireen (d.110H) said: "Verily, this knowledge is Religion. So look into (i.e. investigate) whom you take your Religion from." And he said: "They (the Sahaabah) did not used to ask concerning the isnaad (chain of narration/transmiss ion), but when the fitnah occurred, they began saying: 'Name your men for us.' So the People of the Sunnah would be looked to and so their hadeeth would be accepted. And the People of Innovation would be looked to and their hadeeth would not be accepted." Imaam Abdullah ibn al-Mubarak(d. 181H) said, "Al-Isnad to me is from the deen if it was not for Isnad, anyone could say whatever he wants to say." Allamah Ibn Baaz said[1], "...translation from and into the Arabic language is required when necessary, provided that the translator has a good command of both languages and is faithful in their translation. " Br. Mustafa George conveyed[2] that Shaykh Ubayd al-Jaabiree hafidhahullah said, " one should translate until they have a strong understanding of both languages, they should also be known for their trustworthiness and piety.  they should be known amongst the people for this and have the firm ability to translateso that the correct meanings are understood.. .! Br. Moosaa Richardson said, "...the chain is from the Deen and the translator is in the chain of transmission". For more on this please listen to the audio "Be Careful Who You Take Your DeenFrom!"
1. Ibn Baz Fatwas Vol. 24 pg. 388.
2. The source for Br. Moosaa's quote and Br. Mustafa's narration from Shaykh Ubayd is the thread http://www.salafita viewmessages. cfm?Forum= 21&Topic=2979

SOURCEhttp://SalafiTalk. Net/st/viewmessa ges.cfm?Forum= 9&Topic=930&sortby=desc