Tuesday, November 14, 2017

Four Things You Are Unsafe From

Four Things You Are Unsafe From Group of Scholars
Reference: Seer A’alaam an Nubalaa” Vol.8 P.406
CategorySayings of the Salaf
Imaam Ath Thahabi Rahimahullah mentions in his monumental book “Seer A’alaam an Nubalaa” Vol.8 P.406 on the authority of Abdullah Ibn Al Mubaarak Rahimahullah (181H.):
“The people of knowledge and insight do not consider themselves safe from four things:
1) A past sin he committed which he does not know what Allaah will do with it (either forgive and pardon him for it or punish him with it);
2) What is left of his life, whether there is something therein waiting to destroy him;
3) A favor that Allaah bestowed upon him, perhaps it is a plot which will lead him step by step to his eventual destruction and ruin;
4) Deviance which is beautified for him so that he sees it to be guidance and in a split second, his heart can deviate and he will be stripped of his deen and he doesn’t even realize it.”
TranslatorShadeed Muhammad, Abu Az-Zubayr
Date Published: Saturday, 13 January 2007