I bought the book recently from rimarket.net - I finished the books i think yesterday or the day before, in the morning, just tried to read and get most out of the Book. Alhamdulillah. It was a very beneficial books.
there is so much i could share with you from the book if i could only look through it again and note out but i have the content of the book for you here and this will tell you enough about the book. inshaaAllah.
1 - the maintenance of Dhikr - remembrance of Allah and its repetition 2 - The distancing from the sins 3 - The actions by what is learned 4 - Training the mind and activate the memory 5 - The writing of the what is memorized even more than once 6 - The reviewing 7 - The conversation with what is memorized 8 - Connecting what is memorized starting with what came before its memorization 9 - Eating what will help on strenghening of the memorization 10 - Time management
Shaykh in the first section mentions how dhikr of Allah prevents one from forgetting and also if one forgets, one should remember Allah and also dhikr of Allah gives strength to oneself as our Prophet sallallahu alayhe wa sallam told his daughter to say subhan Allah, Alhamdulillah, Allahu akbar 33, 33, 34 times before going to bed as replacement for having a servant girl to help out in the house.
and in the second chapter shaykh mentions how sins takes away the memorization and leaving sins is a way to strengthening your memorization and keep it with you. Shaykh mentions many narrations of the salaf on it and one that is well known which is imam assafi asking imam wakee about the cure for forgetting, he said to leave off sinning as knowledge is light and it is not given to the one who is disobedient.
[it is a fact and you can test your own self, may Allah help us ameen]
then in 3rd chapter shaykh mentions how knowledge is remembered by acting on it, as knowledge calls for actions, if responded it stays, if not, it leaves one. [very true as well, you can check yourself on it as well]. shaykh mentions narrations of the salaf as to how the acted on ahadeeth they memorized and helped themselves to remember them by acting on the hadith.
in forth chapter shaykh shared, how one should not just busy oneself in writing and recording but should also memorize and also if one always memorizes regularly, then memorization becomes easy, one could memorize then in short time more materials than one could before. and this increases one's desire to memorize more.
in fifth chapter, maashaaAllah it was an amazing lesson, shaykh advised to write what we memorize more than once, and he mentioned narrations from our salaf who wrote out books of ahadeeth more than 5, 6, 7 or more times maashaaAllah. and some of the salaf, they wrote and by writing more than one they memorized what they wrote.
and in the sixth chapter, it was another amazing lesson, i wish we did like our salaf did, shaykh mentions how our salaf used to get together and review works at night and other times. shaykh categorized this reviewing,
saying it could be by ones' self or with others, and with others he divided into categories as well, from that is one: research and review, and another is: reviewing by asking and answering like our prophet sallallahu alayhe wa sallam used to do, he used to ask his sahabah here and there questions of aqeedah and other than it as you see in many ahadeeth.
then another way of reviewing is by asking what have you memorized from such and such author/narrator of hadith, shaykh mentioned narration from salaf how they used to do it, they used to ask each others, about hadith and then go over it and mention its fiqh rulings and its explanation.
and also reviewing by attending lessons and durus, and taking about the materials memorized.
and reviewing my oneself is by repeating what is memorized like one should be reading Qur'an so one doesn't forget as our Prophet sallallahu alayhe wa sallam advised.
and then shaykh mentioned the importance of review and how salaf did and directed to it and mentioned the narration as to the time of the review, and said like in the morning and the night, and the quiet time.
in a narration it says, night is the best time. [also in one it says, first the pre-dawn time, middle of the night and afternoon]
and yes shaykh mentioned greatly about the importance of reviewing after fajr and warned against sleeping after it. [i wish i could do it, i really want to but everyone goes to sleep in my house after fajr prayer ah!!]
the 7th chapter: is talking about the materials memorized and shaykh showed its importance and said it is one of the best way to memorize and direct one to act upon the knowledge one memorized.
some of the salaf memorized by talking what they didn't memorize before.
our salaf were very active in reviewing and talking about the materials they memorized amongst themselves, alhamdulillah, maashaaAllah. i wish *we did it instead of chatting around but sadly, when you start talking about ilm, some people get up and leave and they get board and you hear things that only brings discouragement, discouraging one's self from seeking knowledge".*
the 8th chapter was an extraordinary one, i saw many people using it as well. Shaykh advised to connect one knowledge with another, he gave example like how some of the salaf were born in a year while others passed away on it. bringing about similarities between topics and relating it to other topics and making it easy to remember and memorize and also using like each letter of each word then making a term to memorize the big info behind each word. forgot what they call in English.
You know like in arabic you have a poem to memorize huruf as samsiyah and huruf alqamariyah, and also a word to memorize huruf almudaree' etc.
and in 9th lesson shaykh mentions to eat foods and drinks that will help in memorization and strengthen it. like: [زبيب - اللبان - شم الطيب - الحجامة - ] Raisins - Frankincense - smelling of the good - cupping - and drinking of zamzam water.
shaykh directed to a book that has this info in more detail. [ibnul qayyem said, honey is good for memory as well in book of medicine.]
and finally the 10th advice: shaykh advised for management of time and life with study, like 1 hour for hadith memorization, 1 hour for qur'an, 1 for review, one for mutun memorization etc. organizing the time and filling the time with beneficial study.
and shaykh reminded of the haidth, beloved act to allah is that which is done regularly. [may Allah aid me and all of us ameen].
and then shaykh closed the book with many advices and reminders and in this book there is mention of books that one should memorize in many field of islamic sciences and shaykh also directed to books that could help one get more advices in this matter and increase in ones zeal to memorize and work hard in seeking knowledge and memorizing. shaykh also noted some narrations as to how the salaf were in this matter in memorizing and working hard in seeking knowledge.
i hope Allah makes this review a benefit for myself and you all who stops by to read and benefit and may Allah aid us all in seeking knowledge of His deen and grant us beneficial ilm and righteous actions. ameen.