Tuesday, August 25, 2015

14 Instances in Which it is Disliked to Give the Salaam – By Shaikh Al-Fawzaan

14 Instances in Which it is Disliked to Give the Salaam – By Shaikh Al-Fawzaan

الحمد لله وحده، والصلاة والسلام على من لا نبي بعده، وعلى آله وصحبه، أما بعد

Shaikh Saalih bin Fawzaan Al-Fawzaan (hafidhahullaah) said during his explanation of the text of Mandhoomah Al-Adaab:

“These are the instances in which giving the salaam is disliked:

The first instance: it is disliked to give salaam to the one who is speaking, since he is busy in conversation with other than himself.
The second instance: ‘with regards to the one who is busy with dhikr (remembrance of Allaah)’ – by way oftasbeeh (saying: subhaanallaah) and tahleel (saying: laa ilaaha illallaah) and in the recital of the Qur’aan.
The third instance: with regards to the one who is pre-occupied with the hadeeth from the sayings of Muhammad (sallallaahu ‘alaihi wa sallam).
The fourth instance: giving salaam to the khateeb except during the Friday sermon; since it is forbidden to speak during the Friday sermon; and so giving salaam to the khateeb and to those in attendance is impermissible.
The fifth instance: ‘the one delivering a lecture’ – the one who is delivering a lesson relating to the Qur’aan or relating to hadeeth or Fiqh or in grammar – do not give salaam to him. Some people; when they come to a gathering and the lesson is in progress; he will give the salaam and raise his voice, this is disliked because this distracts the teacher just as it distracts those who are sat listening and so they turn their attention to him.
The sixth instance: ‘those who are researching in the sciences’ – whoever is researching an issue from the issues of knowledge then do not extend the salaam towards him and thus disrupt his research; this is not legislated.
The seventh instance: ‘one who is delivering an admonition’ – whoever is admonishing the people; then do not give the salaam if you approach, rather sit and listen to the admonition. Do not extend the salaam; because you will distract the admonisher as well as distract those that are listening.
The eighth instance: the one who is reiterating/revising in (an issue of) Fiqh; and he is the one who is revising/studying Fiqh.
The ninth instance: the muadhin; if he is giving the adhaan then do not extend the salaam towards him whilst he is giving the adhaan; since you will interrupt him from the adhaan.
The tenth instance: ‘the one who is praying’ – if you arrive and someone is praying; do not extend the salaam towards him until he has concluded his prayer. It has been reported that one of the companions gave the Prophet (sallallaahu ‘alaihi wa sallam) the salaam whilst he was in prayer and so he responded to him with an ishaarah (indication).[1] Therefore is someone gives you salaam whilst you are praying then you should respond to him with an ishaarah.
The eleventh instance: ‘the one who is observing purification’ – the one who is performing the wudhu then do not extend the salaam towards him until he has concluded his wudhu. As for the one who is bathing for other than the purpose of worship; in order to keep cool or to clean himself then there is nothing preventing you from giving him salaam.
The twelfth instance: likewise it is not legislated to give the salaam to the one who is preoccupied with eating.
The thirteenth instance: ‘to the one who is defecating’ – this is more severe; and he is the one who is urinating or defecating – do not give him salaam whilst he is relieving himself. Since it is disliked for the one who is defecating or urinating that he should speak in this situation; so do not give him salaam.
The fourteenth instance: ‘the one who is fighting the enemy in a war’ – the last type is the Mujaahid who is in the instance of fighting; you should not extend salaam to the one who is fighting because he is busied from you in fighting the enemies of Allaah.”

(Taken from: Ithaaf At-Tullaab bi-Sharh Mandhoomah Al-Adaab p.219-221)
[1] As reported by At-Tirmidhee in: the book of prayer, chapter: what has been stated regarding the indication in the prayer (no.367).

Sunday, August 2, 2015

What's wrong with SISTERHOOD in Islam?

What's wrong with SISTERHOOD in Islam? 

Sometimes, many sisters wonder where is the sisterhood in Islam because they feel lonely. I think there is a different way to look at it: what have we done to cultivate the sisterhood in Islam? 

Let's take a deeper look. So, when was the last time you invited some sisters and cooked lovely dishes and ate with them? I mean, sisterhood isn't all about praying and reading books and talking about religion. You have to have both. Invite some sisters, eat and talk and then pray together in a Jama'ah. BEST THING ON EARTH.

I heard long ago that eating and praying together keep people close to each other. Could be true and Allah knows best... I didn't test it...

Next time, go out to park and enjoy a good sunny day and nature, and let the kids play and you guys, as you talk daily stuffs, talk about something useful like sharing knowledge of Islam... something simple, something that fits in the conversation, something you learned, something you want to learn, something you want to share, something you want people to help you out... 

It is not hard but it does take courage... Courage to start something new and different, courage to be with new people and introduce yourself as who you are, courage to be yourself without fearing what others may think of you, it is NOT EASY. I find it very hard myself to open up sometimes, to talk about things other people may find very weird or strange or even outright negative. 

And yes, as you invite and share what you have, other sisters will do the same to you, so YOU INITIATE instead of waiting to be invited to parties and gatherings and more... You open up and allow others to enter into your life... and share their lives with you... 

[I can't do many things I said here, InshaaAllah, someday I will try when I have means to carry them out. InshaaAllah].

Until then, writing is a way to express and share and communicate for me... [:D]