Wednesday, January 23, 2013

a List of 64 Major Sins from the Poem...

This is a list of major sins taken from the poem: منظومة الكبائر للحجاوي
Explained by Shaykh Abdur Razzaq Al-Badr, son of Shaykh Muhsin Al-Abbad.

Shaykh Stressed a lot in these lessons and also in other lessons of his that we all should take out time to study the major sins because the sins and transgressions have increased a lot. Shaykh said we should learn so we can avoid these sins and be warned of them. Additionally, he said that our scholars and imams have authored books listing major sins so one can learn about them to avoid them.

Why it is important to learn about the major sins?
The Answer is very simple: You always read hadith that tells you, “if you do such and such, all your sins are forgiven (minor sins, NOT major sins).” After reading such hadith, don’t you wonder what are the major sins and what are the minor sins? Don’t you wish that you are free of major sins and that you are of those whose all sins are forgiven? However, if you do not know what are the major sins, then how do you know if you are free of doing major sins or not?

Shaykh Abdur Razzaq says a statement in many of his lessons that is: If you do not know what you should fear, then how would you fear what you are supposed to fear? In order to fear something, you need have good amount of knowledge about the matter.

So here for you i list out the major sins, and i hope you find some benefits in this in shaa Allah.
You will find some sins that you perhaps never thought they were major sins... in shaa Allah.

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