Monday, November 2, 2009

How Many Times Should a Book be Studied before Going to the Next One?

Question:  "Is repeating the study of the matin (text) from the matoon
(various text) of the legislative knowledge based literature better,
or is it sufficient to study the text of these books one time and
from that move on to the next text; benefit us (those seeking

Answer:  This depends on the level of understanding that the student has, so
if he was strong in his understanding, and he understood the lesson
firmly, then it is better for him to proceed to the next text; but
if his understanding was weak and he did not understand the text of
the book, then it is essential for him to repeat the text until he
understands it correctly. And there is no doubt that repeating the
study of the text a second time is better for gaining strength in
comprehending the information. And with Allaah is the tawfeeq

Taken from the Book: al-Fataawaa al-Jaliyyah 'an al-Manaahij ad-Da'wiyyah pg. 103 by al-'Allaamah Ahmad bin Yahyaa An-Najamee(hafidhahullaahu ta’aalaa)

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